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2022-05-03 来源:花图问答

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Leeds Crown Court was told whittle wrote offensive articles that were then published on the Internet by Sheppard.(利兹刑事法庭被告知维特撰写了攻击性文章,然后由斯帕得在因特网上发布。)

2、Lasers then cut through the material to whittle it down and create the desired shape.(激光器然后通过材料切割以削减下来,并创建所需的形状。)

3、It has no official status yet, and must be formally approved before negotiators can start to whittle it down.(该份草案尚不具备官方地位,并且在谈判开始之前,文本的削减必须获得正式批准。)

4、Do you constantly whittle away at a problem, trying to find a solution?(是否会坚持不懈地寻找方法逐步解决问题?)

5、A junior HR officer will typically whittle these down to along list, spending no more than 15 seconds examining each CV.(人力资源部门的低级员工通常会精减出一份初选名单,他们阅读每份简历的时间不超过15秒。)

6、whittle will tell you that his project breaks no new scientific ground.(惠特尔将告诉你,他的项目不会有背新的科学基础。)

7、Sarah whittle: You did just see three monkeys go by on a motorcycle; right?(莎拉:你刚才正好看见一辆摩托车上有三头驴,是吧?)

8、Sarah whittle: they grow much faster than bamboo. Take care or they'll come after you.(莎拉:他们长得比竹子还要快。小心哦要不然他们会追上你的。)

9、Make this plug smaller for me, but don 't whittle away too much.(帮我把这个塞子弄小一点,但木头不要削掉太多。)

10、"we are actually seeing the sound waves," whittle said.(“我们确实看到了声波,”惠特尔说。)

11、While users can whittle apps down to broad categories, such as games, they can't sort by rating or recently added.(用户查看应用的目录时,例如游戏,无法按等级或更新时间来排序。)

12、Mr Selten's work let economists whittle down the number of possible Nash equilibria.(泽尔腾的研究让经济学家减少了可能的纳什均衡的数量。)

13、whittle a toy boat.(一个手工削成的玩具船。)

14、This USES a succession of cues to whittle away the alternatives until only one remains.(这一方法使用一连串线索来逐渐减少排除选项,直到最后只剩下一个选项。)

15、Sarah whittle: a little rain never hurt anybody!(莎拉:一点小雨是不可能伤到人的!)

16、"By listening to the universe, you can figure out its structure," whittle said.(“通过倾听,你能够判断宇宙的结构,”惠特尔说。)

17、Write out the complete story, he advises, and then whittle it down to a series of concise descriptive bullet points.(他建议,写出整个故事,然后再浓缩为一系列简明扼要的叙述。)

18、I finally managed to whittle down the names on the list to only five.(我最后总算把名单上的名字减少到了只有五个。)

19、whittle has come up with a soundtrack to the birth of the cosmos-and it doesn't sound anything like a bang.(惠特尔为宇宙诞生进行了配乐——它听起来一点也不象爆炸声。)

20、They are trying to whittle down our salaries.(他们正着手削减我们的薪水。)

21、The shrinking of the labour force will whittle away at potential growth, consuming the means to pay for it.(劳动力规模的缩减将削弱发展潜力,堵塞还债通道。)

22、Sarah whittle: Dont ever call me crazy, Alan!(莎拉:永远不要叫我疯子,阿兰!)

23、The brain tissue analyzed by Dr. Grant's team was extracted by a surgeon, Ian whittle of Edinburgh University.(格兰特小组分析的脑组织是从爱丁堡大学的外科医师伊恩·维特处拿来的。)

24、whittle down the debt by making small payments.(通过小额支付来削减债务。)

25、But if you looked at them and said, "I want to reach the top five in online music," you can whittle down the list.(但是,如果你看着他们说:“我想达到的五大在线音乐”,这意味着您可以削减名单了。)

26、“Once you get very large, the cost of implementing decisions starts to whittle away your advantage,” says Mr Wightman.(Wightman先生说“一旦你的规模过大,执行决定的成本开始削弱你的优势”。)

27、They won't whittle down your salaries.(他们不会削减你们的工资。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


