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2022-05-03 来源:花图问答

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、The senate allows for an unlimited debate in order to filibuster something, a bill, a vote, whatever.(参议院允许为了阻挠议事的一个法案,一次投票,不管是什么的无限争论。)

2、The time is up and the person speaking keeps going like it is a filibuster.(时间到了,说话的人也不断的推三阻四。)

3、He had become a master of evasion: his main response to criticism is to threaten, filibuster and delay.(他一是个回避问题的老手:其回应批评的主要办法是一威胁、二阻扰、三拖延。)

4、In other words, don't expect Wang to filibuster on Capitol Hill anytime soon.(换句话说,不要期待王建民成为演说高手。)

5、The filibuster procedure in the us Senate has been used over many years to prevent decisions on many sensible matters.(多年来,美国参议院的“冗长辩论”(filibuster)程序被用于阻止在很多敏感事情上的决定。)

6、The plan was supported by just three Republican senators, giving it enough votes to avoid a filibuster.(该计划虽然只得到三位共和党参议员的支持,但这并不妨碍其获得足够的投票支持。)

7、Organizing or carry out of a filibuster.(为阻挠议事进行组织。)

8、Us house representatives doesn't have a filibuster.(美国众议院代表们没有冗长演说。)

9、Republicans have the right to filibuster under centuries-old rules that this page has long defended.(长久以来的惯例是,共和党人有阻挠议案通过的权利。)

10、It takes 60 votes out of 100 to end a filibuster, so 41 senators can block almost anything.(阻止议案的通过需要100中的60票,于是41个参议员就几乎可以组织任何事。)

11、a group of senators plans to filibuster a measure that would permit drilling in alaska.(有些参议员计划用冗长的发言来阻挠允许在阿拉斯加钻井的提案。)

12、Plus, Republicans won't have a filibuster-proof Senate majority.(另外,共和党人在参议院不会获得多数席位。)

13、They were stymied in an earlier attempt by a Republican Senate filibuster.(他们之前的一次尝试被由共和党所主导的参议员所否决。)

14、They simply threatened to filibuster until the Senate adjourns.(他们坦言声称,为阻挠法案的通过,他们会一直发言直到参议院休会。)

15、Confirmation vote was delayed by a filibuster.(确认投票因为冗长演说而被推迟。)

16、Getting to 60 votes, enough to defeat a filibuster, is still a tall order.(要想得到足够瓦解阻挠议事的60票仍是个苛求。)

17、Originally senators had actually talk when they want a filibuster.(原来参议员实际上当在冗长演说的时候会进行谈话。)

18、He vows to filibuster tax increases.(他发誓要阻挠议案通过加税法案。)

19、Senator Seymour has threatened a filibuster to block the bill.(西摩参议员威胁用长篇大论来阻挠该法案的通过。)

20、In theory, Republicans could mount a filibuster, but blocking a judge is not like blocking a law.(理论上,共和党可以为这份名单设置障碍,但是,妨碍最高法官候选名单的通过并不像阻碍一项法律的通过。)

21、NIA hopes to see Rand Paul filibuster any attempts by the U.S. Senate to raise the ceiling on our national debt.(NIA希望看到保罗阻止美国参议院提高美国国债上限任何企图。)

22、In the Senate the filibuster is used too often, in part because it is too easy.(之所以参议院动用阻挠权,部分原因是它就应该是如此使用的。)

23、In the Senate, Republicans have just enough votes to mount a filibuster and block bills.(参议院内共和党人票数刚好够动用阻挠议事程序,终止法案。)

24、filibuster is possible in the us senate, because the rules of the senate allow unlimited debate.(在美国参议院阻挠议事是可能的,因为参议院的规定允许无限制地辩论。)

25、There is another, grimmer history to the filibuster , though, one that carries special relevance for me.(但是,对阻挠议事,还有一个冷酷的历史版本,跟我有特别的关联。)

26、Senator Robert Byrd, who was handling the proposal, was adamant that if we didn't bend, we could break the filibuster.(处理这项提案的参议员罗伯特·伯德态度明确,他说如果我们不屈服,就可以打破议事阻挠手段。)

27、That is the number needed to overcome a filibuster.(这就是可以压倒阻挠议案通过的那个数字。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


