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Punk culture (Punk culture) origins in the 1970s, as opposed to a certain style of music then existing movement or rebellion, punk culture, followers developed a style of their own dystopia.
Punk culture in the 1980s and 1990s, the United States and even the world of fashion.
They advocated DIY (doityourself), the low-cost clothing and fabrics for re-processing, making garments and create a new rough style. They like to use a dog chain to do decorations, wearing open-line or intentionally torn soiled with extra large safety pin dress, wear the clothing side, printed with vulgar words, violent or pornographic images, fishing nets like Nagamune stockings, Dr. Martin boots (DocMartensfootwear) ... ...
Hair is also the focus of the shape of punk, they have their hair as much as possible into something high, dyed a variety of colors, like Beckham, "the Mohicans," the head. Tu black eye, drawing a cat Eyes, smoked makeup, dark shades of lipstick, in the ears, nose, cheeks and lips and other parts with the safety pin and the rivet hole, draw the tattoos on his body, showing very different, with all kinds of ways to opposed to traditional society. Chuanbi nails, tongue, nails and so on, wearing a black T-shirt or a black hooded sweatshirt, jeans, cheap flat shoes, etc., and pop a small decoration, clothing printed with different patterns on a wide range of logo and text
Punk culture (Punk culture) origins in the 1970s, as opposed to a certain style of music then existing movement or rebellion, punk culture, followers developed a style of their own dystopia.
As a way to express their inner feelings, and never has been influenced by popular fashion trends. Dressed in Converse, All-Stars and other brands of shoes, plaid pants, tight T-shirt, hit nail studded belts, mittens flexible, brightly colored sports jacket ... ... everything has been popular for reference and imitation to become popular, and thus an impact so far.
Punk's image has been widely in circulation in the world, the contemporary youth dress style more or less revealed a punk-style effects. !


Punk culture (Punk culture) origins in the 1970s, as opposed to a certain style of music then existing movement or rebellion, punk culture, followers developed a style of their own dystopia.
Punk culture in the 1980s and 1990s, the United States and even the world of fashion.
They advocated DIY (doityourself), the low-cost clothing and fabrics for re-processing, making garments and create a new rough style. They like to use a dog chain to do decorations, wearing open-line or intentionally torn soiled with extra large safety pin dress, wear the clothing side, printed with vulgar words, violent or pornographic images, fishing nets like Nagamune stockings, Dr. Martin boots (DocMartensfootwear) ... ...
Hair is also the focus of the shape of punk, they have their hair as much as possible into something high, dyed a variety of colors, like Beckham, "the Mohicans," the head. Tu black eye, drawing a cat Eyes, smoked makeup, dark shades of lipstick, in the ears, nose, cheeks and lips and other parts with the safety pin and the rivet hole, draw the tattoos on his body, showing very different, with all kinds of ways to opposed to traditional society. Chuanbi nails, tongue, nails and so on, wearing a black T-shirt or a black hooded sweatshirt, jeans, cheap flat shoes, etc., and pop a small decoration, clothing printed with different patterns on a wide range of logo and text
Punk culture (Punk culture) origins in the 1970s, as opposed to a certain style of music then existing movement or rebellion, punk culture, followers developed a style of their own dystopia.
As a way to express their inner feelings, and never has been influenced by popular fashion trends. Dressed in Converse, All-Stars and other brands of shoes, plaid pants, tight T-shirt, hit nail studded belts, mittens flexible, brightly colored sports jacket ... ... everything has been popular for reference and imitation to become popular, and thus an impact so far.
Punk's image has been widely in circulation in the world, the contemporary youth dress style more or less revealed a punk-style effects. !


Punk culture (Punk culture) origins in the 1970s, as opposed to a certain style of music then existing movement or rebellion, punk culture, followers developed a style of their own dystopia.
Punk culture in the 1980s and 1990s, the United States and even the world of fashion.
They advocated DIY (doityourself), the low-cost clothing and fabrics for re-processing, making garments and create a new rough style. They like to use a dog chain to do decorations, wearing open-line or intentionally torn soiled with extra large safety pin dress, wear the clothing side, printed with vulgar words, violent or pornographic images, fishing nets like Nagamune stockings, Dr. Martin boots (DocMartensfootwear) ... ...
Hair is also the focus of the shape of punk, they have their hair as much as possible into something high, dyed a variety of colors, like Beckham, "the Mohicans," the head. Tu black eye, drawing a cat Eyes, smoked makeup, dark shades of lipstick, in the ears, nose, cheeks and lips and other parts with the safety pin and the rivet hole, draw the tattoos on his body, showing very different, with all kinds of ways to opposed to traditional society. Chuanbi nails, tongue, nails and so on, wearing a black T-shirt or a black hooded sweatshirt, jeans, cheap flat shoes, etc., and pop a small decoration, clothing printed with different patterns on a wide range of logo and text
Punk culture (Punk culture) origins in the 1970s, as opposed to a certain style of music then existing movement or rebellion, punk culture, followers developed a style of their own dystopia.
As a way to express their inner feelings, and never has been influenced by popular fashion trends. Dressed in Converse, All-Stars and other brands of shoes, plaid pants, tight T-shirt, hit nail studded belts, mittens flexible, brightly colored sports jacket ... ... everything has been popular for reference and imitation to become popular, and thus an impact so far.
Punk's image has been widely in circulation in the world, the contemporary youth dress style more or less revealed a punk-style effects. !


Punk culture (Punk culture) origins in the 1970s, as opposed to a certain style of music then existing movement or rebellion, punk culture, followers developed a style of their own dystopia.
Punk culture in the 1980s and 1990s, the United States and even the world of fashion.
They advocated DIY (doityourself), the low-cost clothing and fabrics for re-processing, making garments and create a new rough style. They like to use a dog chain to do decorations, wearing open-line or intentionally torn soiled with extra large safety pin dress, wear the clothing side, printed with vulgar words, violent or pornographic images, fishing nets like Nagamune stockings, Dr. Martin boots (DocMartensfootwear) ... ...
Hair is also the focus of the shape of punk, they have their hair as much as possible into something high, dyed a variety of colors, like Beckham, "the Mohicans," the head. Tu black eye, drawing a cat Eyes, smoked makeup, dark shades of lipstick, in the ears, nose, cheeks and lips and other parts with the safety pin and the rivet hole, draw the tattoos on his body, showing very different, with all kinds of ways to opposed to traditional society. Chuanbi nails, tongue, nails and so on, wearing a black T-shirt or a black hooded sweatshirt, jeans, cheap flat shoes, etc., and pop a small decoration, clothing printed with different patterns on a wide range of logo and text
Punk culture (Punk culture) origins in the 1970s, as opposed to a certain style of music then existing movement or rebellion, punk culture, followers developed a style of their own dystopia.
As a way to express their inner feelings, and never has been influenced by popular fashion trends. Dressed in Converse, All-Stars and other brands of shoes, plaid pants, tight T-shirt, hit nail studded belts, mittens flexible, brightly colored sports jacket ... ... everything has been popular for reference and imitation to become popular, and thus an impact so far.
Punk's image has been widely in circulation in the world, the contemporary youth dress style more or less revealed a punk-style effects. !
