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give oneself airs 装腔作势;摆架子 give and take 相互让步,妥协 give as good as one gets针锋相对,以牙还牙 give the game (或 show) away(无意中)泄露秘密(或暴露隐情) give a good account of (oneself)举止或表现值得称赞 give birth to1. 生孩子2. 引起,发生 give ground 在优势兵力前撤退;撤退 give it to【非正式用语】严厉惩戒或惩罚 My parents really gave it to me for coming in late. 因晚归我父母将我臭骂一顿 give in 1. 递交;呈送 She gave in her report. 她递交了报告 2. 停止反对;投降 give of 奉献,贡献 She really gave of her time to help. They give of themselves to improve the quality of ecation. 她确实抽出时间来帮忙。为了提高教育质量,他们奉献了自己 give off 放出;散发出 chemical changes that give off energy. 释放能量的化学变化 give out 1. 允许被知道;公开宣布 gave out the bad news. 宣告了这个坏消息 2. 放出;散发出 gave out a steady buzzing. 发出持续的嗡嗡声 3. 分发 gave out the surplus food. 分发剩余食品 4. 停止行动;停止作用 5. 用光,耗尽;用尽 Their determination finally gave out. 他们最终没了决心 give over 1. 托付;委托 2. 完全放纵(自己);放弃 gave the day over to merrymaking. 整天纵情于寻欢作乐 finally gave myself over to grief. 最后让自己完全陷入痛苦中 give up 1. 将(自己)完全奉献 The suspects gave themselves up. 这些嫌疑犯投降了 gave herself up to her work. 献身于她自己的工作 2. 停止;结束 gave up their search. 停止他们的搜查 gave up smoking. 戒烟 3. 让出;放弃 gave up the apartment; gave up all hope. 让出公寓;放弃所有的希望 4. 没有希望见到 We had given the dog up as lost. 最后我们当那只狗已经走失了而不再存有指望 We'd given you up an hour ago. 一个小时前我们就以为见不到你了 5. 承认失败 6. 中止:放弃某人正在做的或打算做的。常与&I{on} 一起用 gave up on writing the novel. 放弃写小说了 give rise to 引起,来源于;带来 give the lie to 1. 显现出虚假或不真实 2. 责备…说谎 give way 1. 放弃优势或地位 gave way to an oncoming car. 给一辆即将过来的汽车让路 as day gives way slowly to night. 白天渐渐转为黑夜 2. 放弃激励或要求;屈服,让步 The ladder gave way. 梯子塌了 3. 放纵自己 give way to hysteria. 变得歇斯底里 give (someone) the eye羡慕地或被吸引地看着
