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The Importance of Self-confidence

Self-confidence is an attitude that allows individuals to have positive yet realistic views of themselves and their situations. Self-confident people trust their own abilities, have a general sense of control in their lives, and believe that, within reason, they will be able to do what they wish, plan, and expect.

Self-confidence is very important in building a career. Self-confidence enables a successful scientist or engineer to take risks, to be a leader, and to defend his or her subordinates if necessary . The belief of what one can achieve and succeed often spells the difference between success and failure.

If women sometimes don't do well in their jobs, they should not interpret this to mean that they are not qualified to be in the technical fields or that it is the end of their careers. Everybody makes mistakes. Successful men and women did not get to where they are in their careers without making mistakes: they have learned from their mistakes . Women just need to have faith in themselves and to learn to trust their own abilities.
To have self-confidence you just need take the following advice: Never ask if you're capable of the task -- just do it.


The Importance of Self-confidence

Self-confidence is an attitude that allows individuals to have positive yet realistic views of themselves and their situations. Self-confident people trust their own abilities, have a general sense of control in their lives, and believe that, within reason, they will be able to do what they wish, plan, and expect.

Self-confidence is very important in building a career. Self-confidence enables a successful scientist or engineer to take risks, to be a leader, and to defend his or her subordinates if necessary . The belief of what one can achieve and succeed often spells the difference between success and failure.

If women sometimes don't do well in their jobs, they should not interpret this to mean that they are not qualified to be in the technical fields or that it is the end of their careers. Everybody makes mistakes. Successful men and women did not get to where they are in their careers without making mistakes: they have learned from their mistakes . Women just need to have faith in themselves and to learn to trust their own abilities.
To have self-confidence you just need take the following advice: Never ask if you're capable of the task -- just do it.
