Ouyang: Zai Zai, how can you can come here? 快离开,这里很危险! Quick to leave here very dangerous! 元: 就是因为危险我才来这里的! Yuan: that because the dangerous before I came here! 我喜欢冒险,你来这里干吗呢? I like adventure, why do you come here? 欧阳罗菲。 Ouyang Roffey. 欧阳:作为范海辛的徒弟,我的任务就是到世界各地去杀死魔鬼,你身后这个城堡是欧洲有名的“鬼屋”,据说这几天这里有魔鬼出现,所以我就来看看。 Ouyang: as Van Helsing's apprentice, my task is to go all over the world to kill the devil, you are behind the castle is Europe's famous "haunted house" It is said these days there are demons there, so I take a look. 你知道这个城堡以前的主人是谁不? Do you know who the owner of the castle before not? 元: 当然知道了,这座城堡以前的主人是李•克斯特伯爵夫人呀! Yuan: Of course know, this castle the previous owner was Lee • Kerst Countess呀! 欧洲历史一个著名的美人,传说在她的一生中,为她决斗而死的青年贵族,超过了100 个。 European history, a famous beauty, legend in her lifetime for her to die young aristocratic el over the 100. 她拥有一头美丽秀丽的黑发,两只眼睛如宝石般迷人,她的长裙就像燃烧的火焰,包裹着她白玉似的修长身躯,整个人宛如一团移动的火之精灵。 She has a beautiful beautiful black hair, two eyes, such as jewel-like charm, and her dress like a burning flame, wrapped her slender body like white jade, the whole group of people moving like a Wizard of Fire. 当月光笼罩她身躯的时候。 When the moonlight shrouded body, when she was. 她身边的男人都会被她所迷惑,她到底是下凡的天使还是迷路的精灵。 The man by her side she will be fooled by the angels descend to earth she is still in the end lost the wizard. 欧阳:那你知道她是怎么保持如此美丽的容貌吗? Au: Do you know how she maintain such a beautiful face do? 元:这个我还真不知道。 Yuan: This I really do not know. 我估计是上帝特意照顾她吧。 I guess God specifically to take care of her. 欧阳:主对每个人都是公平的,她之所以可以保持容貌的美丽是因为她和魔鬼做个交易。 Ouyang: Main is fair to everyone that she was a beautiful appearance can be maintained because of her and the devil to be a transaction. 她的美丽,据说保持了近50年,而她的美丽秘方,实在令人恐怖万分。 She's beautiful, is said to have maintained for nearly 50 years, and her beauty secret, it is extremely frightening. 她用鲜血沐浴。 Her blood bath. 而且只用纯洁少女的鲜血。 And only pure blood of young girls. 她相信,只有浸泡在她们纯洁的血液中,方能不断吸取其中的精华,而让她永葆青春。 She believed that only immersed in their pure blood, can only continue to absorb the essence of them, but let her remain forever young. 每次洗澡前,她还要喝下至少半升的血液。 Every time a bath, she would also like to drink at least half a liter of blood. 她洗一次澡,至少要杀掉两个少女。 She washed once, at least to kill two teenage girls. 就这样,50年里,一共有2830多名少女惨被杀害,所有的尸体全部埋在她私人的浴室底下。 In this way, 50 years, a total of more than 2830 girls Canbei killed, all the bodies all buried in the bottom of her private bathroom. 这也是她的主意,因为她相信,少女们的魂魄能够让她美丽动人。 This is her idea, because she believed that souls of young girls to make her beautiful. 由于常用血液洗澡,她身上总带着浓烈的血腥气。 As the commonly used blood bath, she always has a thick body of Xuexing Qi. 但她却从不用任何香水掩盖。 But she but never without any perfume to cover up. 美丽的外貌和血腥的气味相结合,竟然产生里一种不能形容的妖异魅力,使无数青年贵族为之倾倒。 Bloody beautiful appearance and smell of the combination actually proces a kind of can not be described where the Yao Yi charm, countless young aristocratic admiration for it. 一时之间,李•克斯特伯爵夫人的艳名远播欧洲*,连法皇路易十四也不远千里,拜倒在其石榴裙下。 All of a sudden, Lee • Kerst Countess of Yan name widely known in continental Europe, even the Emperor Louis XIV were not far behind, bowed under its Dan Liuqun. 有一款鸡尾酒的名字叫“血腥玛丽”便由此而来。 There is a cocktail called the "Bloody Mary" has the resulting. 元:啊! Yuan: ah! 她怎么这么残忍? How she so cruel? 不过“血腥玛丽”挺好喝的,有机会我请你喝。 However, "Bloody Mary" quite good drink, and have the opportunity I ask you to drink. 延:你们没有机会了。 Extension: You did not chance. 敢到我的城堡来,你们今天都要去死。 Dare come to my castle, you have to die today. 元:救命呀! Yuan: Help呀! 鬼呀! Gui Ya! 欧阳:魔鬼,投降吧! Ouyang: Devil, to surrender bar!
Ouyang: how can you baby, baby come here? Get out of here, it's dangerous!
Yuan is dangerous because I: come here! I like adventure, you come here stem? Ouyang LuoFei.
Ouyang: as the apprentice, I jeckyll task is to all over the world to kill devil behind you, the castle is Europe's famous "haunted house these days," said here is the devil, so I can see. Do you know the castle by the previous owner who doesn't?
Yuan: of course, the castle by the previous owner is lee's countess ah! European history is a famous beauty, legend in her life, she died young noble el, more than 100. She has a beautiful beautiful black eyes, like gem charming, she dresses like a burning flame, wrapped her slender body, though the white man as a mobile fire elves. When the moon over her body. She will be the man beside her, she is confused by the angel or earth lost elf.
Ouyang: you know how she keep beautiful appearance?
Yuan: this I still don't know. I estimate is specially care her. God,
Ouyang: the Lord is equal to everyone, she can keep the beautiful appearance because she make a deal with the devil. Her beauty is kept in nearly 50 years, and she's beautiful secret recipe, it was scary. She bathed with blood. But only pure girl's blood. She believes that only soak in their pure blood, can absorb the essence of one, and let her youth. Before bath, she also drink at least half a litre of blood. She take a bath, at least to kill two girls. Thus, a total of 50 years, 2830 many girls were killed, all the pitiful all bodies buried her private bathroom. This is the idea of her, because she believes that the soul of the girls can let her beautiful and moving. Due to the common blood bath, she always with a powerful blood gas. But she has not any perfume. Beautiful appearance and the smell of blood, the combination proced a cannot describe the branching charm, make numerous young noble to mp. Time, lee's countess of famous mainland Europe, even the Lord high priest Louis xiv, also threw himself at the feet. Have a cocktail of the name "bloody Mary".
Yuan: ah! Why she is so cruel? But "bloody Mary's" drink, I buy you a drink.
: you have no chance. Dare to my castle, you are going to die today.
Yuan: help! Ghost!
Ouyang: the devil, surrender!