My Old Uncle Wheeler.My old Uncle Wheeler the instrument dealer sells cellos, pianos, guitars.He also sells mandolins.banjos and violins zithers and harps and sitars.
He sells all these things that play music with strings at low prices that cannot be matched.His discounts are deep and his prices so cheapcause he sells them with no strings attached!
Binkley.Every springtime an earthworm named Binkley.gets so blinkin' wet he getswrinkly.The rain keeps on sprinkling and Binkley keeps drinking until he's all puffy and pinkly.
But it isn't all bad being wrinkly.as Binkley could tell you succinctly.Just as you're thinking, all Summer he's shrinking;by Autumn he's dried up and crinkly!
My Lunch A candy bar.A piece of cake.A lollipop.A chocolate shake.A jelly donut.Chocolate chips.Some gummy worms and licorice whips.
A candy cane.A lemon drop.Some bubblegum and soda pop.Vanilla wafers.Cherry punch.My mom slept in while I made lunch.